Friday, December 30, 2011

Make. No. Resolutions.

It would seem odd that a girl who is all about goals and life accomplishments would suggest that you don't make New Year's resolutions. However, I am, in fact, suggesting just that. Don't make New Year's resolutions. I always wonder why people wait till January 1st to make a significant change in their life. Why put off what is important to you today, till January 1st?

Resolutions generally indicate that you state, decide, perhaps share with friends/family an objective that you are trying to reach in this new year to come. Why do I think this is a bad idea? A resolution is merely a goal, isn't it? Well, yes and no.

By definition, according to the Merriam Webster Dictionary, a resolution is, "a formal expression of opinion, will, or intent voted by an official body or assembled group." While a goal is, "the end toward which effort is directed : aim" AND aim is, "the directing of effort toward a goal."

When we look closely at the definitions, we can see there is a clear distinction. A formal expression of an opinon OR the end toward which effort is directed. These are two very different things. The main difference between goals and resolutions, in my opinion, lie in these differences:

A goal has clearly delineated, small steps that one needs to take to accomplish said goal.

These small steps are noted down/made visual and checked/marked off when one accomplishes a step to mark progress towards said goal.

A goal is an objective that people have a burning desire to accomplish and will stop at nothing to fulfill.

A goal requires significant action toward change, devotion and willingness to make that change.

Before the New Year is complete, I challenge you to stop and think about whether or not you've made a resolution or a goal? Did you simply make a resolution because everyone else is doing it or are you doing it for you? If you've made a resolution, I challenge to you reevaluate this resolution. Decide if your resolution can be made a goal - are you completely dedicated, are you willing to sacrifice and make change, are you able to say you will dedicate yourself 100%?

If you are in fact making a goal, I propose that you write down your goal and note small steps you will take to accomplish that goal. Put down dates by which you would like to complete these small steps.  Finally, and most importantly, put this in a place that you will see it DAILY to remind yourself of what you are working towards! Make it a checklist if you like so that you can SEE what you've accomplished.  Give yourself a little treat when you've accomplished each step!

And for next year, PLEASE don't make your goal a New Year's resolution. When you have a goal, start it right away. Life is too short to not be working towards your goals. Every day is a gift, use them wisely. 

What will I be doing this long weekend? Looking at my old goal board, seeing what I have done and still have yet to accomplish and making a new one. I will be making a list of new goals and I certainly already have small steps noted. I will be talking more about this in an upcoming post.

I wish everyone a very happy and safe New Year! 
May you make big goals and achieve them all!

Friday, December 23, 2011

Pre-Christmas. Detox.

I might have mentioned that I have not been doing so well with my diet. Stress had really built up at work and I became weak with my one vice: sugar! However...I'm back on track! Today was a detox day before the holidays! Yep...BEFORE Christmas!!! I plan on having some Christmas treats as my cheat day and then right back to clean after Christmas day! It's better for me to get a head start today! You can make a new start ANY time you like!!! I know that DAMY Health would agree. There is never a good day - like January 1st - or a perfect Monday - or a perfect time to start something. The perfect time is NOW! Why wait till January 1st when you can clean up your act today? I knew it was time for me to get my act together and I started anew! I completely understand when people say it's hard. It is hard at first! Just like everything that is good in life is hard at first and yes, it gets easier with practice. I feel it too. The late night craving for sugars or starches. Those cravings that hit you real hard and you want to give in! You know what though? I'm stronger than those sugars and starches! My brain has power over my tummy and I can tell it that what it REALLY needs is good vegetables and proteins. I know that tomorrow will be 10 times easier then too!  So that is what I'm doing today! Making my brain my body muscle! :) If anyone hasn't made their brain their body muscle and needs a little extra help, check out DAMY Health! They are a real support and can change your life! No better time than the present!

As far as Christmas goodies, I have made some...and NOT for me! :) I made some DAMY treats for friends this Christmas! It felt good to give them a treat that was healthy for them and they didn't even know it! I'm so sneaky! :) Here are the holiday treats I made for some coworkers and friends!

Who wouldn't want a gift like this at Christmas? A box full of DAMY Health Skinny Chocolate Candy Cane Bark and  Healthy Chocolate Peanut Butter Balls (I call them HoliBallz! lol)

Hope you all are treating yourselves well in this holiday season and seizing each moment of the day for change. Start change now because later may never come! :)

Monday, December 19, 2011

You. Can. Call. Me: Miss Claus

Yes, I have been quite absent for a while. I've been a busy gal, that's for sure! As I may have mentioned in the past, I have been running the Christmas program at the food shelf which has kept me WAY more than occupied! Last week I was going into work early every day and did a 12 hour shift another day. However, things are starting to wind down as Christmas nears and hopefully I can get back to my regularly scheduled program. 

This is just a small portion of what it looked like at my work. Christmas boxes galore!

And here we have a small representation of how I've been feeling lately! :)

I did want to take this opportunity to talk to you guys about some of the things I HAVE been doing - some goals I accomplished and continue to work on.

  1. I DID in fact adopt a family at the food shelf for Christmas with my family. I was so happy to have been able to do so! I heard a woman come in to apply one day who said that she had raised 14 of her grandchildren and was currently raising another who had cerebral palsy. I knew that this family needed to be adopted and the grandmother needed a real treat! So we did adopt that family and I hope that they feel spoiled rotten this Christmas! :)
  2. I did a photo shoot for my business for some advertisements and other things. I am hoping to get that stuff done soon and I will share them with you all!
  3. I got some organizational tasks completed that I had been wanting to complete in my place.
  4. I started working on some projects that I have yet to complete. I have 4 days off coming off and I plan on spending those 4 days on the holidays working on some of my projects. These are actually very old gifts that are WAY overdue but I must complete them to be fully satisfied! 
  5. I met with a woman from Fiscal Foundations who taught me Quickbooks more in depth so that I can utilize it for my business, especially now with tax season around the corner! I've been working to get my books into shape.
  6. I am working on obtaining a new storage space for my business and have met with someone to discuss some future plans for my business that I have.
  7. To be honest, I also have been doing some getting out and meeting new people. :) It's nice to make new connections. :)
Now to be very honest, lately, with so much stress, I have fallen off a bit with some of my other goals: fitness. I have been making all of my workouts but I have been stress eating - which usually isn't very clean foods! This week, I'm whipping it back into shape and kicking my booty! Now that the most stressful part of this time has passed, I'm 100% back to dedication! Any encouragement is much appreciated! :)

Simply too good to pass up! Hope you are all having a lovely holiday season! You'll be hearing from me more often! :) Almost done with my fitness challenge and I will be showing off my pics!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Being. Single. Is. Not. An. Affliction.

Last week sometime, I was driving down a road and ran across a sign that said, "Single?" then proceeded to list a dating service site. I've probably passed this sign and others like it hundreds of times and never thought anything of it. For some reason, on this particular day, this sign really bothered me. I am not bothered by the dating site - I even personally belong to a dating site and think they are a great tool to meet people with whom you might otherwise not cross paths.

The issue I had with this sign was the question it posed, "Single?" The sign then proceeded to list the site as though it was some solution to a significant problem in people's lives. Don't get me wrong, I don't think there is anything wrong with wanting to NOT be single. I think that wanting companionship is very natural and healthy...and having companionship is even great!! I have even gone through bouts where I really just wanted to have that one, "companion." Even presently, I date frequently and I hope one day I can find a companion who shares common goals, encourages me and pushes me further with my own goals.

On the other hand, this sign was STILL  bugging me. The overwhelming message that being single was a huge problem that needed to be fixed baffled me. I enjoy dating. I learn more about myself, about others and I get to meet a variety of new people. I learn how to improve myself but also I learn more about what I am really looking for in a significant other. On the other hand, I am perfectly happy being single and enjoy many of the liberties that come with it. In fact, when I talk to some female friends about dating or even wanting a companion, they state that they wished they were single sometimes!

What would any blog about single ladies be without Beyonce?!?!

As I said, I do go on dates. According to some of my friends' opinion, too many of them. I've heard everything under the sun, "You have more first dates than anyone I've known," "Maybe you are too picky," "Perhaps you are picking the wrong types of guys," and EVEN "You have too high of expectations." I contemplate all of these suggestions and I can't seem to agree. I date men of all types, races, professions, and am completely open-minded in going on dates. I hardly ever eliminate someone after just one date unless it's absolutely horrible. In pondering further, I always arrive to the same conclusions; Should I not be picky when it comes to dating someone who will ultimately take time away from my loved ones? Should I not have expectations about how I deserve to be treated as a woman? Should I not want to have at least SOME common interests and goals as someone I may date? It seems to me, that I should have all of these things. Not only that, I deserve them.

So, what's the big deal? What is SO wrong with being single? Being single affords me so many great opportunities! I have flexibility in my schedule and the satisfaction of knowing that I am a strong woman who can make it on her own if need be.  Additionally, I get the opportunity to learn so much MORE about myself and my strength and weaknesses. Yes, I can also learn more about myself as a woman in couple, which I hope to learn more of someday. But meanwhile, what is so awful about being single? Why does everyone else who isn't single feel so empathetic towards you and like you are a problem waiting to be solved? Couldn't it just be that I simply haven't yet crossed paths with an adequate match at an adequate time? I think that is probably just right. :)

My singleness isn't a problem that needs to be solved. It's not a state that will be forever permanent and not even one that I permanently trap myself into. I love dating and the possibility of meeting that special someone. Yet I don't feel the need to be in a relationship just to be in one. If I am going to be in one, I want it to be with someone who is great, who makes the sacrifice of time away from my loved ones worth it. Ultimately, I love being happy being me. With or without companion. Single. Without the question mark. 

Saturday, December 03, 2011

Saturday. Inspiration.

So true! Running is such a metaphor for life! Don't give in to the thoughts of self-doubt. Push them away and push on!