Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Wednesday Recipe

It's Wednesday somewhere in the world! :) This past weekend I had a carb craving for some brunch yummies! I LOVE breakfast food. It's probably the one thing that I crave the most! I really wanted some indulgence this weekend but I live on a tight budget so I didn't want to go out and get food that would cost a lot and isn't good for me anyways. Bad on the budget and on the body. Instead, I decided to imitate a favorite breakfast food at home and make it clean. Here it is!


Definitely does not take a rocket scientist to come up with this one but I thought it was a fun recipe nonetheless. To make my french toast, I used Ezekiel Bread by Food For Life. I LOVE this stuff AND this brand! They also make EXCELLENT cereals that I love to add to my yogurt every now and again!

For those of you that are gluten sensitive, Food For Life also makes some gluten free versions - this particular one is not. I've had all sorts of their breads though and love them all! I also think that it's really cool they are a family run business and have stuck with their original processes. Anyways, I recommend trying these out if you haven't yet.

What I did for this recipe:

Mixed 1 egg and 2 egg whites in a bowl.
Sprinkle in cinnamon (as desired).
Add a splash of almond milk.
Beat mixture.
Dip both sides of bread in egg mixture.
Cook in a pan on the stove. Use coconut oil as your oil in your pan.
Cook on both sides and place on a plate.
Drizzle a small amount of agave syrup over french toast.

*After I had made the french toast, I actually cooked up the remainder of the eggs and ate them! SO GOOD! Seriously, the egg and cinnamon mixture is excellent. It's become a new way to spice up eggs for me lately!

Hope you all made it through Wednesday okay! 
Thursday is going to be here and gone quicker than we know it!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

On the road again...

Ah yes, On The Road Again by Willie Nelson. This ties into my post today but it also makes me remember times past when my elementary school choir teacher, Mrs. Smith, would make us sing this song repetitively in class thereby ingraining the lyrics in my head for eternity. Oh yes, I know ALL the lyrics to this song. Gotta love Mrs. Smith!

But I am on the road again with one thing...eating CLEAN! I know, I told you all that I had fallen off  in the summer and I have not been eating as clean as I would like. I have been weakened by the death grip of processed and refined white sugars and carbohydrates, corrupted by kegs of beer - their nozzles staring at me longingly and I've succumb to my own excuses as to why I can't eat clean utilizing invites to every party, get together and outing during the summer as a way to eat the things my body does not need. NO MORE will sugar capture my attention, no matter how hard she flirtatiously bats her eyelashes at me. I will not cave! :)

So here I am again starting clean eating, with a clean slate, and a clean state of mind. I started eating clean this weekend because I have found that for me, being in a place where I can control my environment is the best way to start off. At work I am in less control of what is around me and I find that, with sweets and carbs abound at my workplace, it is much harder for me to get a good start. My major problem whenever I get back to clean is that there are certain times of the day that I CRAVE sweets. Once I give in, it's all over. Then I want more and more and more. My lovely lady friend, Lindsey, without knowing it, has gotten me addicted to club soda. This is a great alternative to pop or other sweet beverages. They have naturally flavored club sodas by La Croix and I love them! They've been getting me through my sweet cravings and it's just bubbly water! These are my current 'secret weapon'!

I know I've been doing well because I was definitely having a sugar detox headache yesterday. Thankfully it's gone today. I am ready now though and determined to get back to my clean eating ways! I feel the most healthy and best about myself when I eatthis way! I feel in control and happy!

There is one more thing that I'm excited about! It's DAMY Health's Little Black Dress Challenge! Just what I need to get back in gear! I can't wait to get glammed up at the holidays and rock a LBD! This is a challenge to ANYONE who wants to join DAMY Health, commit to the program and strut your stuff during the holidays! What do you have to do? Just sign up with DAMY Health, buy yourself a dress for the holidays, rock your program, take a picture of yourself all glammed up for the holidays in your LBD and you will be entered to win a $100 gift certificat to Lululemon - who by the way, has some amazing workout gear! I love the workout tank I got from them!

I hope this blogpost serves as a motivator for some of you as I know it serves to keep me motivated and committed to my goals! It's out there people, hold me accountable!

New season, clean slate! :)

 What will I be doing tonight you might ask?! Of course, going out to get my LBD...after my workout! :)