My. Goals.

So Alyssa, what exactly ARE your goals?!

I'm going to list some of the major goals, but don't be surprised that others not mentioned are discussed later in the blog. Here's some of my current goals I'm working towards:

Live minimally and get organized.

Get thrifty (make meals at home, bring a bag lunch, coffee at home). 

Lose the 15 lbs that I slowly packed on during my 2.5 years of misery.

Dress better, gussy up and find a style. (This one is in progress and I've hired help!) 

Get a small business up and running.

Complete unfinished projects (see below).

Become more financially stable.

Utilize my car only to and from work.

Complete another major fitness goal (last one was a marathon) - century ride.

Volunteer my time. This blog is mainly focused on self. However, it is important for me to not forget what I am put on earth for: to interact with others.

Take a class and learn something new.

Work on weaknesses and make them strengths.

Grow some of my own food.

Make less waste.

These are quite general goals, but don't fret! They will all be carefully detailed in my posts and you will see how I am accomplishing them, every step of the way!

Add ons for 2012:

Try and bike commute part of the way to work and back at least 3 times per week.

Build business and make more profits.

Maintain physique and clean eating.

Get a six pack.

Try doing some more climbing.

Try to invite friends to functions on a regular basis (monthly).

Learn to sew.

Finish projects for friends.

Lifetime Goals:

Write a book and publish it.

Have a photography exhibit - if even in a cafe.

Yarn bomb something. 

Travel to all Latin American countries before I kick the bucket.

Have many different professions doing many different things.