Saturday, February 19, 2011

Last night, I went shopping...and didn't spend a dime!

Yes, you read right! My friend, Mary, (that genius of a woman!), organized a clothing swap for myself and a bunch of other girls to get together and swap clothes; getting rid of those that we don't need and with hope, finding ones that somebody else doesn't need and exchange. It was also just a chance for a group of goofy girls to hang out together and have a good time, sans spending.
Ah, the merchandise!
Mary reclaiming items she meant for exchange, isn't she a doll? 
Trying on Mary's roller derby bloomers for size.
Nita trying out a headband.

I found a most excellent top. The moment I saw it, I just knew it was meant for me! Today, I jazzed it up with some accessories I had purchased for $2.00 at Goodwill and my NEW boots from Steve Madden that finally came in the mail! I was super pumped and felt like I was looking smokin' hot! I really am feeling a self-confidence boost from all of these great fitting clothes and just knowing what to do with them and how to put it all together. It IS true! If you look good, you will FEEL good! :)

I went out today and did a little more shopping...but this time, it did cost money! I have been in contact with Sally since I purchased my Banana Republic jeans and it turns out, those weren't the right fit for me. She recommended that I check out the Heritage jeans at Talbot's. It's a spendy store, but guess what? The jeans were on sale for 25% off and cost the same amount as the Banana Republic ones! Yippee!

I think I found 2 pair, that actually fit me just as I think that they should! I sent Sally a pic to double check, but I think I nailed it down. Now, to the thrift store to sell my other jeans so that I can recoup some of the spending!

Have you ever had a clothing swap or another type of get together where you switched belongings rather than purchase them? What was it? What was your favorite item you obtained?

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