Sunday, May 22, 2011

Accomplished. Weekend.

What I did this weekend!

I am so happy to say that I had SUCH a productive weekend! Friday night I got a workout in, made myself some homemade pizza and treated myself to a movie! I went and saw Something Borrowed. Yes, all by myself! I love treating myself to movie date night sometimes! :)

Saturday it was time to get to business! I woke up early and went with my mother and nephews to a Lego convention as my father, who originally planned to go, unfortunately had a toothache. I had an early wake up call and off I was to meet my mom and nephews. It was a fun time and always good to spend some time with my family!
My nephews and batman at the convention.
It rained all day so that was a perfect way to spend the afternoon...indoors! However, just in time for me to go home, the sun peeked out! I took advantage and did a jaunt around the lake. Was such a nice run!

After the run, I got to planting! I received my Kmart bags last week and I knew I had to get planting this weekend! I filled my bags with dirt and starting putting the tomato and strawberry plants in them. I only got 3 bags done and I ran out of soil. I will make one more trip and get some soil and fencing and then I will start my garden area. I put a picture of the plot that my landlord generously gave to me! So nice! I also gave you guys a little update on the status of my seedlings!
3 bags I received from Kmart. Oh, the area in front of it is my little plot. I put these items in bags because I have plans for that other area which need more space! :)
Tomato plant.
Strawberry plant. This bag is awesome! Why? See those little pouches on the side? Well, you can grow other herbs out of those pouches! So cool!
Butternut squash!
Herbs sprouting!
Bob, my Chia pet bunny. 

I got a bunch of other work done this weekend, including selling a ton of items on Ebay!

Today was spent washing all of my laundry and cleaning and rearranging my apartment. I need to get my table put in SOON! I'm dying to invite people over! Also, I spent today working on another stock. I made chicken stock! The chicken fell RIGHT off the bone today when I was done. I made myself a dinner with chicken, Uncle Ben's rice and some veggies from the stock. As you can imagine, that's not ALL I plan on doing with it! I will make a chicken and rice soup, (with the leftover rice and chicken), as well as freeze some stock for later use.
Chicken! It does not look so appetizing here, but I promise it was good!
Rice beginning to cook!
Tomorrow: finish my planting, get Ebay items sent, work and get some business planning done as well! I can't wait to accomplish more!

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