Tuesday, May 15, 2012

People in my path...

Lately, it seems that I have had some new people crossing my path of life. In getting to know a bit more of these people, we began to talk about our lives. What we do, what inspires us, what we are in search of. These two people spoke to me with regards to their circumstances about not being in jobs they love and not pursuing their passions and goals, that they really want to achieve and chase after. I talked with them a bit about where they are at in their lives and what is stopping them from pursuing what they want. Of course, per what I expected, much of the obstacles in their lives were self-imposed. Their patterns of thinking alone were a blockade to achieving their own personal success.

Source: google.com via Alyssa on Pinterest

One of these people was talking to me about wanting to start a business. Yet indicated that he didn't have any funds to do so and therefore couldn't achieve it.  He said he had big dreams and no funds. I told him that we both knew that wasn't true and that you can do anything that you set your mind to. There are social funding sites, there are loans, there are plenty of other ways to fund a business! I would know, I had to fund my own as well and start out with nothing! It's not an easy path and every day will not be a bowl full of cherries, but if it's what you want, it can be achieved. That said, I did tell him that perhaps he's just not in the right place yet to do it. I understand that because it took me a while to be in the right, or maybe wrong, place to start my business.

Don't get trapped by your fears! Intensely chase your dreams!

All of this contact with these people really made me reflect on my own experiences with my business and goals. It made me think about how much I have grown over the last year and a half. I realize much more now than I did before, that had it not been for my poor employment experience, I may have never started my business. For the lack of that misery, I may have never hit rock bottom and wanted to chase after my dreams with wild abandon.

It also reminds me about how I've grown in confidence with my business. Of course, there are things that I'm still nervous about. That is only natural. But I think that I am much more confident with my business and approaching other business people about my business. I know that my business and my ideas have value. I am still a small fish in a big pond, but I know that one day soon, I'm gonna need an ocean! :)

Finally, I have had the realization that I have truly grown as a person. I've become wiser, stronger, more self-confident, less fearful, more hopeful, more faithful, and more HAPPY! I am more confident that I can handle the difficulties placed in front of me and I know I'll never be given more than I can handle. Things that used to be scary, aren't so scary anymore. They are mere speed bumps on my road to life and the speed bumps can be rough, but sometimes the best learning tools. 

Now tomorrow, I have a nice little treat for you all! A nice little recipe! Can't wait! :)

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